
Keeping your denture clean is important. Just like natural teeth, dentures can build up plaque and tartar that will irritate your gums, stain your denture teeth and harbor bacteria.

You will need to clean your denture daily. Before you take out your denture to clean it, be sure to lay a soft towel down over the sink or fill your sink with water to avoid denture breaking if it falls on a hard surface.

Cleaning Tips:

  • Every night, immerse your denture in a water bath and use a denture soaking solution weekly or bi-weekly.
  • Daily, brush your denture with a soft-bristled toothbrush or a brush designed for dentures. Avoid regular toothpaste as it can scratch the acrylic.
  • After meals, rinse both your mouth and denture with warm water to help minimize plaque and food residue. Avoid using boiling or extremely hot water, as it could warp the denture and alter its fit.
  • For light stain removal and plaque loosening, soak your denture in water with denture-cleaning tablets. Always rinse well with warm water before putting it back in your mouth.

Caring for Your Mouth and Gums:

  • Allow your gums to rest by removing your dentures before sleeping, unless otherwise directed.
  • Removing your denture at night enhances blood circulation and helps prevent bone loss.
  • When not in use, store your denture in water or a denture solution to prevent the acrylic from drying out and becoming brittle.
  • Clean your gums with a damp washcloth or a very soft toothbrush using warm or salt water, especially under the areas where your denture sits, and also clean your tongue, lips, cheeks and the roof of your mouth. Daily rinsing with warm salt water will keep your gums clean.

Remember if you have any questions about your new denture or need an adjustment, please call Mountain Gate Dental in Helena, Montana, at 406-442-5930 to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Josh Erekson.