
Whitening Tray Instructions:

Once you receive your teeth whitening trays from Mountain Gate Dental, please be sure to follow these helpful tips:

  1. To use the whitening trays, you should begin by brushing your teeth.
  2. Next, fill the whitening trays. You want to fill the lower front of the tray with a small bead of whitening gel. It may take some trial and error to get the right amount of coverage without any gel overflowing onto the gums.
  3. If any gel overflows out of the trays, you should wipe it off of the gums with a Q-tip to prevent irritation.
  4. Keep the whitening trays in for about 10-15 minutes. After 15 minutes the whitening gel loses its effect and may increase your chance of discomfort and sensitivity.
  5. When 10-15 minutes is up, rinse both your mouth and whitening trays out fully. Use cold tap water and a soft brush to get rid of any remaining gel. Never use HOT water on your trays as it can deform them.
  6. Only whiten your teeth once a day. Any more than that may cause discomfort.
  7. After you have reached your desired whiteness, you can then stop whitening on a regular basis.

How to Store Your Whitening Trays:

Your whitening trays must be cleaned regularly with a soft-bristle toothbrush. You may soak them for 30 min once a week in a vinegar water solution (3/4 cup water to 1/4 cup vinegar) to keep them fresh while you are using them. Make sure your trays are clean and dry before placing them in the retainer box you were given. Always store them in a cool dry place.

How to Store Your Whitening Gel:

It is a good idea to store your whitening gel in the fridge. However, do NOT keep your gel in the freezer. Freezing can make it completely useless. Whitening gel can expire so make sure you make note of the expiration date when storing it away.
Call us at 406-442-5930 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for teeth whitening in Helena, Montana, with our cosmetic dentist, Dr. Josh Erekson.