
Once you receive your partial denture from Dr. Josh Erekson, you will need to clean your partial denture daily. Before cleaning, be sure to fill the sink with water or lay a soft towel down to prevent your partial from breaking if it falls on a hard surface.

Cleaning Tips:

  • After each meal, wash your partial under warm water to clear away food particles and plaque. Avoid using boiling or very hot water as it can deform your partial and compromise its fit.
  • Use a soft toothbrush or a brush made for dentures to clean your partial daily. Refrain from using regular toothpaste because it can scratch the acrylic surface.
  • To help remove light stains and loosen plaque, immerse your partial in water with denture-cleaning tablets.
  • Always rinse your partial well with warm water after soaking, before placing it back in your mouth.

Caring for Your Mouth and Gum Tissue:

  • To help maintain oral hygiene, clean both your partial and your natural teeth every day to reduce the risk of dental decay.
  • Remove your partial at bedtime, unless advised otherwise, to allow your gums to rest. This prevents gum irritation and discomfort.
  • While your partial is out, use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to thoroughly clean your natural teeth.

A new partial always feels a little strange when first placed in your mouth and may take a few days to a few weeks to get used to.
If you have any questions about your new partial or need adjustments made, please call Mountain Gate Dental at 406-442-5930 to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Helena, Montana.