
Night Guard Aftercare:

Once you receive your night guard from Dr. Josh Erekson, make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Wear your night guard throughout the night or at any time you notice you are clenching your teeth.
  • Before inserting it, rinse your night guard thoroughly with cool water.
  • Instead of biting it into place, use your fingers to gently position it in your mouth.
  • After each use, rinse the night guard well and allow it to dry before storing it in its case.
  • Do not soak your night guard in any solutions (such as mouthwash or hot water) except for the specific cleaning method described below.
  • Always bring your night guard to your dental visits, particularly if you are undergoing restorative treatments like fillings or crowns. We will check it during your routine cleanings for any signs of wear and to ensure it fits correctly.

Daily Cleaning Recommendations:

  • Immediately after use, rinse your night guard with warm water to remove any debris and plaque.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush to lightly brush your night guard after rinsing.
  • Avoid using toothpaste as it can be abrasive; instead, opt for a mild liquid dish soap mixed with lukewarm water.
  • After cleaning, place your night guard on a clean surface to air dry thoroughly before storing.
  • Always keep your night guard in its case when not in use to avoid misplacing it.

Monthly Deep Cleaning Steps:

  • Step 1: Soak the night guard in distilled vinegar for 30 minutes in a glass bowl. Use a timer to prevent over-soaking.
  • Step 2: After soaking, rinse both the night guard and the bowl with lukewarm water, then place the night guard on a clean, dry surface to dry completely before placing it back in its case.
  • Step 3: Clean the case every few days using liquid dish detergent, rinsing well and allowing it to dry fully to inhibit bacterial growth.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Helena, Montana, please give Mountain Gate Dental a call at 406-442-5930.