
New dentures often feel bulky and awkward at first, which is normal. When our dentist and dental team in Helena, Montana, deliver your new denture, you can expect an adjustment period because dentures are very different from your natural teeth. It means they can and will move in your mouth when you eat and speak (Especially the lower one.) With time and practice, your muscles will adapt.

What can I eat with my new dentures?

A new denture will take some time to get used to. The following tips should help ease the process:

  • Start by enjoying softer, gentle-on-the-jaws foods such as fish, cheese, eggs, tenderly cooked meats, steamed vegetables, ice cream, and pudding.
  • Take small bites to ensure comfort and ease while chewing.
  • Make a habit of chewing with both sides of your mouth at once to help stabilize your dentures.
  • Opt for an up-and-down chewing motion rather than side-to-side to keep things comfortable.
  • Slice tougher foods like apples and corn on the cob before eating; this avoids the risk of dislodging your upper dentures.
  • Be cautious with hot foods and drinks; dentures can dull your sense of temperature, which might lead to accidental burns.
Will my speech be affected?

Speech can be difficult at first with new dentures, especially when pronouncing words containing “S” and “F” sounds. This will improve over time. Be sure to follow these helpful tips:

  • Practice reading aloud and speaking in front of a mirror.
  • Swallow before speaking in order to “set your denture in place.”
What steps should I take if I experience sore spots?

Having sore spots that require adjustments before your denture is normal. If you develop any sore areas, we recommend the following:

  • Rinse often with warm salt water. (1/2 tsp. of salt to 1 cup of warm water)
  • Call our office to make an appointment to make any necessary adjustments.
  • Be sure to bring your denture with you to your appointment to help identify the sore areas in your mouth.
What should I do if I have loose dentures?

Your dentures will feel loose over time if you receive your dentures immediately after extractions. This is due to gum shrinkage from the normal healing process.

Here are some important things to remember:

  • A denture reline procedure, whether a soft reline in our office or hard reline by our lab, will be necessary once your healing is complete. During a reline, material is added to the denture to improve the fit.
  • Over time, your denture may need to be relined once again to fit more securely against your gums.
  • Never try to adjust or repair a denture yourself. Doing so could cause irreversible damage to it.
Should I use a denture adhesive?

As time passes, you may notice some shrinkage in your bone and gums, which can make your denture feel loose. If this occurs, using a denture adhesive might be necessary to enhance the stability of your denture.

If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Josh Erekson, please contact Mountain Gate Dental at 406-442-5930.